What is a sandwich chimney? The name is quite self-explanatory: it is a three-layer structure. Its main elements: Internal pipe
← Prev. articleMetal cutting: what is it, types of cuttingMetal cutting - marking parts on metal
Flanges for polyethylene pipes, flanges for HDPE bushings, flanges for collars. They often send us
Characteristics and differences of corrugated pipes For reasons of economy and ease of transportation and installation, most modern
If the question of how to clean a metal pipe from rust is being resolved, different methods are considered: mechanical, chemical.
On this site you can buy crushed stone with fast delivery! An excellent alternative to metal products,
Since a small amount of food particles enters the drain pipes every day along with the water,
Installing a pipeline for gas supply to an apartment or site is a technically complex task. Domestic gas used
Drainage systems and other pipeline networks in apartments of apartment buildings are often equipped with cast iron pipes.
Often underground communications are subjected to severe climatic tests. Therefore, defrosting the sewer and heating the pipes,